Wise Traditions

281: Health Freedom: We The People



What would you do if you were in the military and your commanding officer ordered you to get a series of vaccinations? And what if it was a series of shots that you noticed had sickened your colleagues? This was the situation of Major Jim Gallagher in the 1990s. Today, Jim tells the story of what happened to him and his colleagues. We also hear from Joe Ordia of the Virginia Freedom Keepers and Patty Healy of the National Vaccine Information Center. All three individuals share their perspectives on the encroachment of health freedoms and what we can do to take our health into our own hands. Find out more about the Virginia Freedom Keepers: virginiafreedomkeepers.org See our website for health freedom groups near you. Join Nourished Children 2.0 & Nourished 2.0 Check out our sponsor Mountain Rose herbs Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts