Salty Language

Salty Language 256 - BVD Thigh Gap



New Salty Language 256 - BVD Thigh Gap   Tony and Bryan wax poetic about Tony's sister's wedding and reception, a Snapchat update, Soundboard t's birthday, secondary bucket list items, Justice League underbritches, Voltron, WWE Lists, the kind of return of The Anti-Semantic Show, an Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan buddy comedy, a Stone Cold /Star Trek mash-up, Lex Luthor, Dark Knight Rider Returns, a SUATMM, our Q of the W and recap, and more!  Links: 1. Snapchat has more users than Twitter: 2. Voltron: Legendary Defender: 3. Anti-Semantic Show #161: 4. Batman Dark Knight Returns Superman Pop!: 5. SUATMM: Baggage tour shirt: QoftheW: What food do you hate, that everyone else