Salty Language

Salty Language Episode 44 - The Watcher Watches



In this episode, we cast a JLA movie, we rant about Disney letting you get frozen in carbonite, Marvel creates a hero for a kid that wears hearing aids, RIAA thinks Limewire owes $75 trillion, burglar says he was practicing his locksmith skills, revenge dentist story is a hoax, swarm of beesannoys Ann Arbor shoppers, man accused of trying to rob police station, man tries to smuggle cocaine in wheelchair, man crushed by his home gym, man's loud bowel movement gets neighbors to call police, man attacked by bear in outhouse, man arrested for trying to rob a casino, roasted fetuses found in man's luggage, man accused of hitting 10 year old at movies, student suspended for alleged semen filled cupcake, half naked woman in duct tape top attacks cops, man turns toy gun into shotgun, man gets $500 ticket for dropping $1 on the ground, Detroit may be turning off half of their street lights, our site of the week, and more!Subscribe / rate / review us on iTunes!Visit us /