Shared Secrets

The Secret to Empowerment With Gabrielle Reece



With her muscular 6-foot-3 physique and her confident demeanor, "vulnerable" isn't the first word I'd use to describe former pro volleyball player Gabrielle Reece. At least it wasn't the first word I would have chosen to describe her before listening to her podcast, The Truth Barrel. The podcast is named for the 220-degree barrel sauna that Gabby and her husband, pro surfer Laird Hamilton, have in their home, and it aims to "sweat the truth" out of its guests on topics people usually don't discuss. Gabby joins me in this episode of Shared Secrets to share some secret truths of her own. In the episode, she tells me about how the shortfalls of her own childhood have left her with insecurities about parenting. She shares her challenges surrounding raising girls, and we discuss the fraught parent-child relationship. And she explains how she's working to empower her kids to make healthy choices in a world of oversharing via electronics and social media.