The Real Truth About You - William Sinclair Helps You To Uncover The Most Amazing Version Of You

50 This Connection Transformed Me - How Well Are You Connected?



I was so busy ensuring I was connected with my technologies, my apps, my phones, my computers and the overflow of my busy life that I couldn’t see the “connectedness” that would truly transform me from the inside out. I lived on the ‘outside’ of my life and kept it shallow, at least for me. The result was that I lived on a platform of fear, anger and anxiety, constantly putting myself down, and living out the programming I internalized from an abused childhood. I needed to undress from the clutter of the external life I had created and clothe myself in a grace that stemmed from within. In podcast episode 47, Edrina said, “Once you get the inside right, the outside takes care of itself.” That’s the journey I’ve been on. The journey inward. Allowing myself to fall apart, to become vulnerable and powerless so I can fall back together and discover how amazing life can be. To see through a heart that is free and peaceful, no longer enslaved. The journey to rediscover your inner and amazing self will connect you t