Warrior Week

UNRESOLVED CONFLICT | Warrior Week: Parables From the Pit | EP 062



This week’s powerful podcast is filled with amazing stories from your host, Coach Sam, and his special guest, Drew Hooper, graduate of Warrior Week #52. Stay tuned as we discover what Drew faced inside his Pit at Warrior Week, the revelation Coach Sam received during a recent chaotic experience at a local restaurant, pivotal Stack revelations, the story behind The Shovel, and much, much more in this week’s episode of Warrior Week: Parables From the Pit. Parable #1: Seeking Connection Drew’s journey into the Warrior’s Way began in March 2016 when he received a link from one of his buddies leading to a video of Garrett, the content of which resonated on a deep level with him. His entry point was WarriorBook 500. About 45 days into the process, Drew’s wife revealed to him, “If you hadn’t of done this, I was ready to leave.” At the time, Drew was oblivious to the signs. QUESTION What was your entry point into Warrior? Parable #2: Feeling Lost At the time of applying to Warrior Week, Drew felt frustrated, unc