Warrior Week

What You Are Seeking Is Seeking You | Warrior Week | Ep 038



Coach Sam and COO of Wake Up Warrior, Cullen Talley, have an impromptu conversation in this week’s episode where they uncover beautiful truths and insights as they discuss this concept of seeking. ________________________________________________________ Parable #1: Déjà Vu  During a recent meeting in his office with one of the brothers, Coach Sam had a distinct moment which many refer to as deja vu. While many refer to deja vu as if it is a normal, everyday phenomenon, Sam stopped and listened to the message he was receiving inside of the moment, instead of dismissing it. QUESTION How do you respond to Déjà Vu moments?   Parable #2: Brotherhood of Seekers Cullen: As men inside the Brotherhood, we are Seekers. In ways, it would be easier not to seek. Seeking sounds mystical and amazing, but it can also be painful and tiring. Even though we are very different, inside of that, we have a common interest. What drives that connection is that we are committed, as men, to continue to seek answers, truth, and rev