Warrior Week

Stop Pretending You Are Not Hurt | Parables from the Pit | Ep 020



Coach Sam Falsafi and Jason Smith have a conversation about the Voice in this week's episode of Parables from the Pit, where Jason shares his story and journey after receiving news that is both life-shattering and life-altering. Parable #1: When Will You Hear Me? Coach Sam: The Voice had been trying to get your attention: first with a whisper, then a knock on your door, then you got bruised and beat up with a baseball bat. But you still didn't listen, so it dropped a nuclear bomb on you that created a massive interruption in your life. Everything had to burn to ashes in order for the fucking Phoenix to be reborn. Jason: In my first marriage, I was in a pit that lasted for years. It was the kind of pit where you sedated and told yourself you were going to be happy, no matter what. One day, I came home and found a note on the counter from my wife saying that she had left me and the kids. The nuclear bomb had been dropped. QUESTION: Think back to a time when the Voice came whispering and then knocking at your