Your Superior Self

Igniting Consciousness- Maureen Pelton and Charlie Hartwell



Maureen’s mystical presence emerged in her younger years as a Catholic, with a fierce devotion to “God,” but she quickly outgrew the external forms of religion. When Maureen was about to enter her senior year of college, she had to have a risky surgery that could potentially take her life. The night before as she contemplated her options, Maureen entered such a deep state of surrender, it opened her up to the truth of oneness and then beyond. Maureen describes this presence as the cosmic mother or unconditional love. She vowed in that moment to make her life an offering, and a service to that energy… then had a miraculous recovery from the surgery. This experience sent her on a quest to understand what happened. She pivoted from her intended course of study in Law, to pursue an advanced degree in the Social Sciences. She started meditating, doing yoga, and studied dozens of modalities from spiritual, psychological, and neurological traditions. Being a change agent, integrating systems theory and intuition, sh