New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

146: Is your host on a Podcasting rut?



Well, it only took me another 4 months to produce another podcast episode. Yup.. I know. Pretty shameful! Especially when you consider that over the lat couple of years my podcast output has been decreasing year after year? In fact, at this point I wold be surprised if I have any loyal listeners left.  I mean, how many 3-4 month podcast release intervals would you survive before completely giving up and deciding that its no longer worth listening to that particular show? I would venture to guess, not many? The truth is I love doing this show. In fact, right before I jumped on the mic and hit the 'record' button, it was a bit of a rush for me. Now granted, this may be due to the fact that, well, I just have not produced shows consistently enough over ht last couple of years for me to sort of acclimate to the whole thing. I would say, " sure, that's certainly part of it" but the other part is that I really get a kick out of being able to talk to my audience - the Rising Class!  So, I am going to strive to be mo