New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

136: 4 Factors the Led to the Membership Economy



Unless you've been living under a rock or spending most of your time in a cave (which wouldn't make sense because how else would you have found this podcast) you've likely noticed that today's consumer economy is largely thriving off of Membership and Subscription based business models. From Netflix to Dollar Shave Club to Amazon Prime and all the way back to Starbucks, even, these businesses have figured out one key thing that many SMBs (Small and Medium sized Businesses) are still missing - if you do not capitalize on customers' need for community and their "every-moment" access to the internet, you're going to lose. Plain and simple. But how did we get here as a consumer society? In this episode, I discuss: the four (4) factors that led to the Membership Economy, and; how you benefit from understanding them.