New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

125: My Podcasting Equipment Travels Set-up



I’ll be traveling to Playa del Carmen next week and I am really excited because I know I am going to have an absolute blast. I’ll be in Playa for 7 days then come back home to Houston for a few days before I am back in the air traveling to Washington D.C to visit some family. I am also seriously considering making out to Freedom Fest this year in Las Vegas, which would be just a few days after I get home from Washington D.C. That being said, I think you get the point. I am going to be doing a lot of traveling over the next few weeks, so what’s going to happen to the show while I am out of the office? Well, fear not because I did the research and bought the necessary equipment I need to be able to produce the show while I am traveling. That’s right! I am packing up the New Class Rising podcast studio and taking it with me on the road. In this episode, I explain my podcasting travel set-up and some of the equipment that I’ll be using to record my podcast.