New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

118: Default on Your Student Loan Debt – Go to Jail!



[TweetThis] If you default on your student loan debt, you can now have the U.S Marshalls come looking for you. #NewClass Rising #podcast I was once of the belief that the Government was in such a disastrous financial position that when it came face to face with a currency crisis, it would have no choice but to default on all of it's debt obligations and as a result renege on it's promises. I still believe that day is coming, but as the government gets rid of its liabilities, it will call in its assets and to the federal government, if you owe them money, you're the asset. I was of the opinion that one day the student loan debt burdens would become so hopelessly large, that the government would have no choice but to forgive most, if not all, student loan debt, but I think I have been proven wrong.