New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

113: Hector's Podcast, Business and Personal Goals for 2016



[TweetThis] Forget the middle class, I am the New Class Rising and 2016 we're making our goals for life and business a reality!    We did it Rising Class! We made it to 2016 and I am super pumped for everything awesome that this year is going to bring, both you and me. In this episode, I do an recap of my goals for 2015 and then I tell you everything you can expect for this podcast in 2016. I share several goals I have for the year in four different categories of goals: Business, Financial, Personal and Marriage. I hope that this inspires you to write down some goals for the year, if you have not done so already, that will get you one step closer to living the life you envision for yourself and your family and that you deserve to be living right now.   Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR113