New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

112: Small Win Mastermind and a Mentorship Program Caution



[TweetThis] This is not the easy way. Entrepreneurship is the tougher road, less frequently travelled.  On this episode I bring on a frequent guest of the show, Tim Delaforce, to mastermind about a small win we had last week doing cold-calls for our new SaaS endeavour. Tim and I also give a word of warning about a particular type of coaching program for starting entrepreneurs. I learned a very painful and expensive lesson that cost me a friendship and $5,000 when I had my run with this kind of coaching program as I was first starting out back in 2010 and Tim almost did the same.  Enjoy and Merry Christmas!   Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR112