New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

105: How to Find a SaaS Developer that Delivers, with Kevin Brinkley - Pt.1



[TweetThis] Check out today's episode of the #NewClassRisingpodcast to hear Hector interview his SaaS developer and find out how to find your own!   Creating a SaaS (Software as a Service) product does;t have to be hard if you follow the right process, and you know what that process is if you've listened to previous episode of my show where I have discussed it.  However, if you are not a developer, finding the right programmer to build your product is one of the key things you have to focus on if you want to have a successful product at the end of the day. You can have the best solution to someone's problem, but if your programmer is crap or cannot deliver of you, not only will you have sunk time and money into a product that may not be what your client cannot use, you will have damaged the relationship and trust that your client may have had for you. It's not easy to recover after something like that. Don't make that mistake and listen to this episode to learn how to find a rockstar developer and what to loo