New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

096: Would You Opt-Out of Social Security Today, If Given The Chance?



Would You Opt-Out of Social Security Today, If Given The Chance, knowing you would get nothing in old age? #NewClassRisingPodcast [TweetThis] This is the question that I presented to my friends on Facebook last week  - would you be willing to opt-out of social security today, if given the chance, knowing that you would get nothing in old age? I received sixteen responses to my question and surprisingly enough the consensus was a resounding - Yes! Absolutely! It's clear to me that people, especially millennial’s (Gen-Y) and Generation X'ers are, by in large, in agreement that they do not want to be taxed for social security. They want the government out of their finances and they want to have the ability to plan for their own financial future. Why then is it that there is so much apathy amongst the media and elites around this topic? Why are they okay with taxing the young to pay for the needs of the elderly, when it is clear Social Security is going bankrupt and will be Bankrupt in the next decade?   You