New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

088: China is Bluffing On Its Gold Holdings



The Chinese are bluffing with their reported Gold holdings. Here's the case for why they have more gold than they lead on to #NewClassRising [TweetThis] Last week the much anticipated Chinese Gold holding more released by the PBOC - the People's Bank of China According to the PBOC, in the last six years the Chinese Government has increased its gold holdings by about 57%, just over half, to 1,658 metric tons. Although most experts and financial commentators were expecting the gold holdings to be announced soon, what they were not expecting was such a low report of actual holdings.  Most experts, best-selling author "Currency Wars" and "The Death of Money", Jim Rickards being one of them, believe that China is bluffing when it comes to disclosing  their full gold holding.  There are very specific reason Why and those lead to an assault on the U.S dollar. On this episode, I give you the full story.   Show Notes You can find today's show notes at    FundedWit  I've Partnered up with