New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

086: Don't Get Caught Up In All The Economic Hoopla Around the World!



There is definitely no hiding it! We re living in some crazy times. Earlier today I was riding in the car heading back home from my dental appointment and I was listening to some podcast shows talking about the collapse of the Chinese markets, the bankcruptcy of Greece, the Catch 22 the Federal Reserve is under with its proposed plan to raise interest rates, the coming currency crash - and I felt myself getting somewhat anxious!  The way we communicate today through technological innovation is an incredible feat of humanity but it also has its negatives.  On this episode of the podcast, I talk about why you may want to unplug and I also share a new commitment to you!   Show Notes You can find today's show notes at     Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan   FundedWit  I've Partnered up with Spencer Sevy, the creator of DudeStick, funded over 1,800% on Kickstarter, to create the next community of Crowd Funding Crushing Machines! Interested?   Join our mailing list!