New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

082: What Being Middle Class Means To Me



My mission is help 1,000 people abandon the middle class paradigm by creating economics savvy Internet entrepreneurs #NewClassRising [TweetThis] The Middle Class in America today is struggling and it is pretty evident. The current administration and the media all seem to think that this economy is doing better, that we are creating more jobs and that this economy has never been better, at least, hasn;t been better since the great recession.  But, for the average middle class american who has to get up and go to work every single morning to put food on the table, the sentiment is much different. He/She thinks that she is supposed to be doing better, they are not. They can feel it in their pocket books, they can see it in their bank accounts, they know it when they have to stop at the fast-food drive through because they have been working exrta hours just to make ends meet! This past week, I came across an article on CNN Money that could have not been more representative of this sentiment that many Americans al