New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

081: Updating the New Class Rising Blog



Change is always good! The New Class Rising blog is getting a facelift! #NewClassRising [ClicktoTweet] Around 2011 I started a blog at, what used to be, Internet Entrepreneur Connection DOT com. That site no longer exists today and it is a long story that I don't get into in this episde. Over the past year however, my brand has evolved from Internet Entrepreneur Connection, which was originally a place where entrepreneurs could connect, to what is now the New Class Rising. I definitely feel my mission with this new Brand and know exactly what I want to accomplish. One of the things that I had been struggling with however, was the fact the although my original domain changed, the original them for Internet Entrepreneur Connection was still being used as my default theme ont he New Class Rising blog.  When it comes to branding and just the experience for you, my listener, I realized that this was very confusing, especially if you were someone who perhaps was brand new to my podcast or my brand have not been fol