New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

076: SaaS Product Update - Pt.2



Unlike failing in school, the only way to fail in business is to completely give up! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] Earlier this week we started talking about the state of affairs when it comes to the SaaS product that my partner and I started working on this year. As you can probably tell, we've had some challenges very recently. On this episode we finish off this discussion and share the update that we have for you when it comes to this project. How we found a developer to build the back-end solution to our SaaS. How we determined the cost of development. The highs and lows we experienced and how we overcame. The roadblock we hit, that we just quite couldn't overcome. Final thoughts on what we did right and what we did wrong.   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!