New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

064: How I Got Burned as an Employee in December'14, And What You Can Learn from my Mistake!



"How do you rationalize the fact that if you're an employee, someone else dictates how much the value of your work is worth? #NewClassRising" [TweetThis] After graduating from college in 2009 and then going through the experience of Corporate layoffs in 2010, I knew that I, unequivocally, did not want to be an employee for the rest of my life. Today, I am working towards that goal and dream of owning my own business and being my own man. As a corporate employee however, the end of the year means Review time, and Review time sometimes can come with a promotion, an increase in pay, maybe even a bonus.  This past December 2014, I got burned and boy was I burned pretty bad after having busted my butt all year at my job.  In this episode I share:   Show Highlights How I got burned this past December and the lesson I learned. How this renewed FOCUS is impacting me. Why this is the year I'm kicking it up a notch and starting my Software comapny. What I learned after having been so upset at my situation. What you ca