New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

063: Climbing the Corporate "Slide". I Was Wrong About One Thing!



The "extended" workforce will deal the death blow to the American middle class. This is the end of work as we know it! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] In 2012, I dedicated an entire chapter of my book, De-CLASS-ified: The fall of the middle class and rise of the internet entrepreneur to explaining why "Climbing the Corporate Ladder" was going to be more like "Climbing a very slippery slide" in the not so distant future, and why this was going to be a contributing factor tot he downsizing of America's middle class! Well, I was wrong! The truth is that what is coming is actually way worse than I could have anticipated and I believe that this will deal the death blow to America's middle class way of life.  In this episode I explain:   Show Highlights Accenture Report: The Rise of the Extended Workforce What is the difference between a "contingent" workforce and an "extended" workforce. Why the extended workforce is rising in corporate America and why this will accelerate in the near future. Why the extended workfor