New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

061: Everyone Has a Story. And, This is Mine! What's Yours and How will it Change in 2015?



This is going to be a big year for the New Class Rising community! Are you going to be a part of it or simply sit on the sidelines? [TweetThis] Happy New Year! This is the first episode for 2015 and boy, does it feel like I have been away from the podcast for Ages! The time of the show was a great refresher for me. It allowed me to clear my mind, recharge the batteries and to enjoy time with family throughout the holidays. I think we all need to take time when we have the opportunity to really nurture and nourish the relationships we have with the people that are most important in our lives; family and friends. I haven't been just hanging out these past two weeks, however. Although I did lay around for a few days and did absolutely nothing but play video games and watch movies (haha) I did plan for 2015. In this episode you'll learn:   Show Highlights Why stories are important to tell when building the brand of 'YOU', and What is the story behind the New Class Rising podcast.    What I plan to accomplish for