New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

060: 5-Lessons that will Change your Life in 2015, IF Implemented



If you failed to reach your life and business goals in '14, congats, you've been granted another day to get started #NewClassRising [TweetThis] 2014 has been an amazing year for me, specifically because I reached my biggest goal which was to start this podcast. In 2015, I am taking things to a whole new level, not just as a person, but we an entrepreneur, as a podcaster and I am even taking this community to the next level. I have some exciting goals set for 2015 and I am really looking forward to change not just my life but the life of a select group of people in this community [more details to come next year...] But what about you? If you have not already, is 2015 going to be the year that you finally start changing your life? In this last episode of the year, I spend some time covering the top lessons we've covered this year that are critical for you to implement in 2015 if you want to start seeing the change you want to see in your business life.   Show Highlights Why your back has to be against the wall