New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

058: Genesys Works: Changing the Track of Life!



@GenesysWorksHou is all about creating opportunities for young people to move into the Economic Mainstream and out of poverty #GivingTuesday [TweetThis]  This past Friday we had what has come to be know as "Black Friday" - a day of shopping for door-buster sales in retailers all across the country. Today (December 1st) is "Cyber Monday", same concept but all held online. Well, tomorrow is also a very special day and I bet you have no idea what it is! This year, what has come to be known as #GivingTuesday will be held on December 2nd.   #GivingTuesday is a world-wide day dedicated to celebrating the generosity of giving back, and because I know the importance of giving back I wanted to do something really special on today's show. Today we are talking to Marian Davenport, Executive Directory of Genesys Works Houston, a 501(c) non-profit organization in the city of Houston dedicated to changing the track of life for under represented young people and enabling them to enter into the economic mainstream and out of