New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

048: 4 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Cannot Allow Your Wages to Gain Purchasing Power



Since the Great Recession the Federal Reserve has been creating massive amounts of Inflation to fight the Deflationary effects that resulted - the Fed believes Inflation is a good thing. The truth is - It is! For them.  The Fed and the Government absolutely hate deflation and are doing everything in their power to fight, not because it's a good thing for you but because it's a good thing for their agenda, even though deflation is a good thing for people who are on set wages - like the poor and the elderly. And even you.  Deflation is what actually allows you to be able to buy more things even though you may not have necessarily had in increase in your wages or your salary. Well, the Fed is fighting that very thing, as we speak. They don't want you to have the things. They want to keep them all of themselves and there is 4 specific reasons why. Although the Fed fights Deflation and produces massive Inflation "For the Central Banks of the world the debate is over. Gold is Money - nothing else." [Tweet This]   S