New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

039: Middle-Class Income is on the Rise... Really?



It is August 2014 and according to new economic data it appears that the average Middle-Class American is earning more money than he was just 2 years ago - income being up by about 3% since 2011. Granted, the Middle-Class is not as earning as much as they were in 2009, at the "end of the Great Recession" but they're almost there. You're supposed to believe that if you're in the Middle-Class you're somehow better off today than you were in 2009 #NewClassRising #039 [TweetThis] I know that you're smarter than that Rising Class and I am here to debunk this propaganda that you are somehow better off today, not because I wasn't to be a cynic, but because I don't want you to be taken advantage of.  In this episode I tell you exactly why the Middle-Class is not only more worse off today than they were in 2009 but why they are poorer today and why they will continue to get poorer. Of course, I am not a pessimist and I don't just share bad news without offering a solution. The great thing is that there is a solution t