New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

036: Why the Federal Reserve Has No Choice but to Steal your Money



If there was ever a doubt in your mind that the Dollar as we know it today would cease to exist and reign supreme in the world economic markets, this is the episode for you. The U.S dollar has a currency crisis staring at it right in the face and so few people actually know it. What's worse is that many of those that know it, don't understand why this is going to happen. In this episode, I explain precisely why we are headed towards a currency crisis and furthermore, why a massive wave of Inflation is coming to the U.S in the near future.  If you've ever wondered whether or not to buy gold and silver, as I've often recommended, you'd be crazy not to after listening to this podcast. The Federal Reserve has no choice but to steal your money faster than ever before! #NewClassRising #036 w/ @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: