The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #319 - The Jailcast



 So Mrs. Toad and I are back from Rust2Romania (just) and before I throw myself into the second half of the Pale Imitation Festival I thought I might take the time to reflect on the rather epic adventure we just experienced. We have some of the tunes, both excellent and just plain silly (and sometimes both), which we played as we charged about through some of the more unexpected parts of Europe. Driving from Edinburgh to Romania, for example, probably shouldn't include a chapter titled 'via Greece', but somehow it did. Getting slung in a Romanian jail also 'shouldn't' have happened either, but it was awfy close, and finally Mrs. Toad and I ended up with a wee trip down memory lane by going to a Heuriger in Vienna on the way home. It was all over the place, this particular trip, but especially fantastic because of it. 01. Simon & Garfunkel - Baby Driver (00.25)02. The Clash - I Fought the Law (07.51)03. Motorhead - The Ace of Spades (11.42)04. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (14.36)05. The Lovely Eggs - Fuck It