The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #310 - The Tipcast



Alright alright, so the name of this might have absolutely hee-haw relation to the actual content of the podcast. It's just that I went to the tip today in Bette, as I usually do, and they spat the dummy and tried to charge me commercial rates to dispose of my rubbish and recycling because the car had fucking 'advertising' on the side of it. As in, daft rally stickers. Does Bette seriously look like a fucking company car to you, you morons? Despite the fact that I emptied it all out on the ground and asked them to point to the commercial waste, of which there was precisely none, the best they could manage was 'well this time it's okay, but next time...' Next time what? Fucking what? Stupid stickers on the side of a car means I can't use the fucking municipal dump? Fucking idiots. Anyhow, pointless and utterly futile outrage aside, here are some excellent tunes for you once again. Next week will be the Virgin of the Birds Toad Session, so keep an eye out for that as well. Ahh. Pub. 01. Malcom Middleton & D