The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #263 - The Tatcast



Yes, another year, another total shambles of a podcast. Oddly enough, the one time this has been even vaguely together was the one year the BBC happened to show up to film it. How we managed to get it together for that one occasion I have no idea. Maybe the TV cameras scared us into behaving.Anyhow, this year's podcast is probably the biggest shambles since the very first SXSW podcast. We are joined, at various times, by Mrs. Toad, Young Ian, Pandy from Gerry Loves Records, Ben Soep, the managers of Tango in the Attic and We Were Promised Jetpacks, as well the BBC's ultra-credible and in-no-way-inebriated Ally McCrae who definitely wasn't still a total shambles from St. Mirren's League Cup win earlier in the day. And that's before the usual subjects as myself, Vic Galloway, Peej and Stuart from Creative Scotland.We were a few Margaritas down already, and it only got worse during the podcast, honestly. I am not sure this tells you much about SXSW, but it sure gives you a pretty clear idea of what it does to pe