The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #260 - Woodpecker Wooliams Toad Session



Video - Vimeo - YouTube Photos - Flickr Session tracks - zip download (right click - save as) Interview podcast - mp3 - iTunes - Mixcloud This was recorded at Toad Hall in October 2012 with Woodpecker Wooliams, who releases with our friends Robot Elephant Records. She played at a BAD FUN night on the Friday at Henderson's at St. John's, and we were finally able to get this recorded on Sunday after the hangovers had subsided a little. We were rather short of personnel for this one, so the whole thing ended up being recorded and filmed by me and Ian, with only the one other body to help out - the awesome photographer Nic Rue, with whose work you are all probably very well familiar by now. For some reason Gemma only chose to play three songs, and we rather stupidly managed to run out of camera battery before the end of the third, so there is no session video for Crow, although the mp3 can be freely downloaded below as usual. And for the first time in a Toad Session you get to properly meet one of our two new