The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #250 - The Black Tambourines Toad Session



Videos: Vimeo - YouTube Photos: Flickr Audio: zip download - mp3s below For the utter shame of it, we actually recorded this Toad Session back in December last year. I know we can be a little tardy publishing these fuckers, but this has to be something of a record. I blame the fact that The Leg, The Foxx, Meursault and the Split 12" albums all ended up being released within a month or so of each other for knocking me firmly out of my stride, but well, there's always an excuse isn't there. We actually recorded this on the Monday after a fearsomely brilliant gig at Henry's Cellar Bar last Christmas, and did a session with the brilliant Joanna Gruesome on the same day. It was a bit rough, just a little bit like hard work, and I have no idea how the neighbours decided not to complain to the coppers, but I hugely grateful that they didn't. Massive thanks for this one are owed to Dylan Matthews and Ashley Hampson for their video camera work, to the consistently awesome Nic Ruefor taking the pictures, and to Rory S