The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #244 - The Hypecast



Ah yes, the Hypecast, so called because some of the discussion on the Chvrches thread made me think about what it is I really dislike about the concept of hype, and why I mistrust it. It's an area where I struggle to be consistent, honestly. I abhor hype, but I seem to recall being very much caught up in the mystery and excitement around Silver Columns, for example. And I spend most of the Rough Guide to Self-releasing an Album exhorting bands to be more prepared and more organised, and yet I get funny when bands are too organised, and start wondering if they're really there to be a band or just want to get famous. And then I get annoyed at people getting too excited about the excitement itself, but would still accept that it's probably the most effective way for a DIY band on a tight budget to actually generate basic levels of awareness when they can't afford to carpet-bomb the world into submission with PR like major label bands often do. And then there's always the far more traditional and straightforward