The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #245 - The Toastcast



Today I rediscovered toast.  Yes, let it be proclaimed that toast is an awesome snack and that I deserve to be booed and hissed for neglecting it for so long.  At university I pretty much subsisted on cups of tea, toast and tins of Heinz Big Soup, but for some reason despite working from home, I haven't resurrected the toast habit.  Well today I put that right, and it was awesome.Toast goes so well with jam, with marmite, with cheese and with just plain butter, and it takes a second to make and it's just so darn tasty.  So yes, there you have it, this week I shall be mostly eating TOAST! Or Toadst, if you will.Anyhow, after a couple of fine slices of toast I sit down to bring you this week's installment of songs which have been making me happy this week, starting with a new and vastly, vastly overdue single from Magic Arm.  And, well, I suppose you'll have to listen to find out where we go from there.  Toast!01. Magic Arm - Put Your Collar Up (00.27)02. The Magnetic Fields - Love is Lighter Than Air (08.32)03