The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #238 - The Beaconscast



This weekend I was dragged down to the Beacons Festival in Yorkshire because pals of mine had spare tickets and umm... well, I figured why the fuck not.  Also, go to the website and take a look at that lineup. Amazing!So yes, at five o'clock on Friday morning, five lads all over six feet tall squished  their way into a Ford fucking Focus and pootled on four hours down the motorway into deepest, darkest Yorkshire. We even got the 'Ee, ba gum' treatment in the café we stopped at for a bacon sarnie on the way down.Anyhow, this podcast features bands we saw over the weekend, and given the hipster-friendly lineup at the festival should prove to be a rather hipster-friendly podcast as well, after the relative (and shameful) lack of interest show in last week's comedy, I reckon this should prove rather more successful.  My inner hipster is certainly excited.01. Fawn Spots - Spanish Glass (00.05)02. Juffage - Small Fires (Viola Version) (06.57)03. Best Friends - Break My Neck (14.22)04. King Krule - The Noose of Jah