The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #236 - The Nursecast



 I have named the Nursecast in honour of the fact that Mrs. Toad has been unthreateningly but rather inconveniently ill for the last few days and I have been nursing her gently back to health.  And by nursing of course I mean taking the opportunity to lounge around in bed next to her and watch stupid videos while she suffers.  I know, I know, I'm a gem.We have a couple of new and exciting announcements from Tom Waits and Jason Lytle on this podcast, as well as a rather interesting-sounding new band from about as far North in Scotland as it is possible to get before you fall into the sea and have to paddle frantically for Iceland.And, just to cheer us all up, the sun has finally come out, which is at least some consolation for the fact that the Edinburgh International Festival of Overpriced Shit landed on us last week, and will have to now be studiously avoided for the next month01. Texas Tea - Heart Says Yes (Head Says No) (00.26)02. Tom Waits - I Breathe Better Underwater (05.40)03. Jason Lytle - Dept. of Di