The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #206 - The Scroogecast



Here we are at the penultimate podcast of the year, and the one immediately preceding Christmas.  I really don't like 99% of Christmas music so there's pretty close to none of it at all on here, although I have made a couple of exceptions as a lazy sort of nod to the season.  Let's face it, if the druids can be arsed dancing about like idiots around Stonehenge and people can fall out over half-defrosted turkeys then I can probably make the effort to shove a couple of token musical nods onto a single podcast, can't I.

 I actually take a lot of this podcast from my recently-published albums of the year list, and from my as-yet-unpublished Festive Fifty, so it's a bit of a yearly roundup as well. And in fact, seeing as Christmas is a Sunday, I won't actually be posting until Boxing Day now, so this will be the last post before Christmas so umm, in the off-chance I don't bump into you on Facebook, Twitter or down the pub, I better wish you Happy Christmas now, hadn't I. 01. Tom Lehrer - A Christmas Carol (00.23)