The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #204 - The Phewcast



PHEW!  Thank fuck that's (more or less) over.  This year has been a bit full-on, I have to confess, but the bulk of the hard work now seems more or less over.  Our last release (Lil Daggers) came out last week, and our label Christmas Party is now done and dusted which leaves me a relatively comfortable run into the Christmas period from now on, which is some for which I am quite grateful.Nevertheless, The Leg album, the Jesus H. Foxx album and the second album by Yusuf Azak are all on the menu for early next year, so those need to be nudged into motion, so it's not exactly like my feet are going up and my hands reaching for the remote control and a bag of popcorn.Well maybe, but mostly between Christmas and New Year, I can't really bring myself to work then!Next week I'll be going through the Song, by Toad readers' top five songs and albums of the year vote, so if you want to chip in then just fill in your top albums of the year on this week's Friday Five. 01. Coolrunnings - Rusk (00.04) 02. The National - I