The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #193 - The Remcast



Please note that this is called the Remmcast, rather than the Arriyemcast, for little better reason than that it sounds better.  R.E.M. split up this week, which is sort of like the death of an elderly relative: you know it's sad, and you mourn the loss, but they hadn't been themselves for a while, everyone knew it was probably coming, and maybe it's for the best after all. Due to not really wanting to pontificate too much, I haven't really produced what could be in any way described as a 'career retrospective' or anything, nor have I really gone into much about their contemporaries or influences nor indeed the enduring influence they themselves have had.  Nope, I have simply recorded a podcast as per usual, but with three R.E.M. songs in it because they were fucking brilliant. 01. Ezra Furman & the Harpoons - Hard Time in a Terrible Land (00.26) 02. Burning Yellows - False Horizons (04.33) 03. R.E.M. - Perfect Circle (11.44) 04. The Twilight Sad - Kill it in the Morning (17.52) 05. Niwel Tsumbu - It's Al