The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #183 - Lach Toad Session



Video: Vimeo - YouTubePhotos: FlickrAudio: zip download (right-click, save as). Lach is the man behind the Antihoot, the New York open stage which gave rise to the term and the movement called Antifolk.  People bandy the word about so much these days it's almost become as nebulous as the term 'indie', but it had a very specific origin and a very specific meaning back at the beginning. Last year Lach brought the Antihoot to the Edinburgh Festival, and we recorded a Toad Session with him while he was here.  When we figured out that we would actually be releasing his new album as well, and that he would be returning to Edinburgh this year - running both the Antihoot at the Gilded Balloon as well as a free fringe show called Lach, the Waitress, the Walls and the Weirdos in The Speakeasy at Cabaret Voltaire - I figured we might as well wait a little while to publish this session. Well Lach is back now, his album comes out on Song, by Toad Records on Monday and we are starting to get ready for both the one-man sho