The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #176 - The Braincast



The Braincast is not so called because it unusually filled with penetrative insights, but because if you listen to it this weekend it will be while I am down at the Brainlove Festival either listening to bands, DJing or sneaking off to watch the Champions League final at the nearest pub. This week is another relatively haircut-friendly playlist actually, with words like 'remix' to be found and some fashionably hazy production and everything.  In fact I may have to do another 'tedious old shite' podcast soon, just to make up for it. Anyhow, next week looks like being the Scottish Enlightenment Toad Session, which is coming along nicely.  I just need the photos and to complete the constantly challenging ten minute main video, which always takes quite a long while.  I will listen to the podcast on the train down to London and figure out which bits I think should go in the video.  In the meantime, enjoy... 01. FOUND - Anti-climb Paint (00.22) 02. Silverbacks - Atta Boyz (07.32) 03. Phil & the Osophers - Ink o