The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #168 - The Springcast



It is a very, very fine Spring day indeed, this morning in Edinburgh, and so needless to say I am going to spend it in my office talking to imaginary people on the internet.  This week we are simply going to have a bit of a trawl through my inbox.  As I mention halfway through the podcast, I now have unlistened albums totalling a mighty one day, eighteen hours and thirty-four minutes worth of music.  So if you are wondering why I haven't reviewed this that or the other, then that probably has something to do with it.  The trickiest part, of course, is that it's not enough to simply have listened to something. To actually have anything resembling an intelligent comment to make you need to listen to something really quite often, and know the ins and outs of an album pretty well.  This takes a lot more than just a once-over lasting for one day, eighteen hours and thirty-four minutes. 01. The Lovely Eggs - Don't Look at Me (I Don't Like It) (00.40)02. Lady Lazarus - Fighting Words & Fists (06.46)03. Bill Call