The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #158 - The Refreshcast



I think I have figured out why Fence Records hate the internet.  Or at least, I feel like I am starting to get some insight into what is an intensely troubled relationship.  The two of them just don't get along at all, and the mutual antipathy has boiled over into outright hostility this afternoon, with the rush to buy Homegame tickets from the Fence website actually breaking the whole internet. So while I wait for normal service to be resumed, and with it the opportunity to buy tickets for Homegame this year, I thought I might record a podcast.  Or at least, so I thought.  But it turned out the Facebook chat about the interminable (three hour) wait was too entertaining, and the paralysing fear of the site suddenly coming back online and me missing out on tickets was too much. So I faffed about, went out and got pissed, and ended up recording this after our gig tonight, sorry. 01. Edinburgh School for the Deaf - Love is Terminal (00.17) 02. Black Tambourine - Throw Aggi off the Bridge (07.34) 03. The Great Va