The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #157 - The Vinylcast



I've been itching to do this podcast for a while, but only now got my arse in gear to do it: record a podcast straight from vinyl.  It's a bit of a nuisance, because I have to switch back and forth from the mic, for the chatty bits, to the USB input for the records... oh never mind, you don't care about my logistical hassles do you. The nice thing about vinyl is that the playlist is not simply going to be an inbox dump of whatever new indie has arrived this week, simply because I don't have all that much new music on vinyl.  Some, but not lots.  Also, the electicism factor is massively increased, partly because my vinyl collection is downright eccentric, and partly because the very act of leafing through completely unsorted piles of records seems to make me lots more likely to pick something absolutely random which fits with nothing else at all and really has no excuse being anywhere near a haircut indie try-hard hipster podcast.  Which is of course exactly what this is. 01. Windsor Davies &