The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #143 - The Name Escapes Me



So, initially I was going to call this post the Gigcast because I have spent the last week furiously booking gigs, arranging gigs and very much hoping people will turn up to gigs. Then, over the course of the podcast, I consistently forgot to actually talk about the Yusuf Azak tour I have been helping to book, the Honeytrap gig I have had to organise, the Savings and Loan House Gig I have been preparing and the Toad Records Christmas Party to try and find a home for. This is all pretty much sorted by now I think - and I'll give you full details tomorrow in the Sunday Supplement - so what ended up dominating the podcast was me saying bone-headed things like 'the name escapes me' every time I had to refer to an album, a label, or pretty much anything over the course of the whole hour.  So in a last-minute change of emphasis I decided that by far the dominant feature of this podcast was not me talking about booking gigs or any of that rubbish, it was me being under-prepared and not knowing the things I was sup