The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #142 - The Hoarsecast



Hoarse.  Horse.  Hoarse.  Horse.  Geddit geddit, see what I did there?  Yes, another tedious pun, but I know you know to expect no better from me these days.  Anyway, it's only called the Hoarsecast because I have a bit of a phlegmy flu which, whilst not fun, is hardly very debilitating so there is no need for me to moan really.  Not that this usually stops me, but anyhewww... It's a funny old mix, this playlist.  I rearranged the songs time and again, swapped a few in and out here and there and just couldn't find a way to make them click together for some reason, so for all I like everything that's on here it is still a little bitty, as a single coherent mix. Mind you, with me talking pish between all the songs, there's fuck all chance of these things really flowing in the first place. 01. Wilco - I Can't Stand It (00.17)02. Hooray for the Riff-raff - Slow Walk (08.32)03. Interpol - Evil (15.49)04. Jose Delhart - Broken Hearted Chant (22.17)05. Flower Orgy - Boneyard (25.12)06. Willie Nelson - Good-hearted