The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #139 - The Comfortcast



 Having weaselled out of our Fresh Air show yesterday because I was too busy trying to get Loch Lomond sessions edited and generally ready to go away on holiday, so Ruth missed out on her weekly opportunity to take the piss out of me, which must have been a shame for the poor lass. Anyhow, we decided to remedy this by recording a podcast for publishing while we're away, so Ruth came round with a CD of twenty songs and we bumbled our way through an evening chattering nonsense (as per usual). We're a teeny-tiny bit short of cutting edge new tunes for this week, but I think we can live with that for a week, eh.  As Ruth would insist, her choices are all better than things I would have chosen anyway... 01. Animal Magic Tricks - Pinkening (05.04)02. Eurythmics - Love is a Stranger (11.21)03. Iron & Wine - Upward Over the Mountain (19.11) 04. Mountain Man - Mouthwings (25.54)05. Yo La Tengo - Take Care (28.04) 06. Fred Astaire - Top Hat, White Tie & Tails (35.42) 07. Gomez - 78 Stone Wobble (41.43) 08. The